Guide, Skill and Counter Joy MLBB

Hello mobile legends beginners, this time we will discuss Joy Mobile Legends and how to counter Joy. This guide will be divided into several sections starting from emblem and item guide, explanation of skills, hero lists to counter Joy and hero lists countered by Joy. So Hero Joy is still meta right now in mobile legends and on M4, she often used by pro players. Because Joy's strengths are her agile movements and skills that can deal damage while moving to according to the beat music. Her skills are also a combination of spell flicker, aegis, purify because the movement is fast and has a shield.

Guide, Skill and Counter Joy MLBB

Joy Guide

The first is that Joy is assassin type hero who has magical damage. Because assassin hero and has magical damage, the emblem fit for Joy is mage emblem as for the current meta. For Joy item build, you can choose lists from Mobile Legends official or by watching top Joy players who focus on great magical damage and also survivability at the same time. For Joy spell, you can choose execute or vengeance because Joy is suitable for offlaner or sidelaner at the start of the game then she will start rotating to all areas in middle game.

Item Build Joy MLBB

Joy Skills

The second is about Joy passive first. So for Joy passive, she will get a shield of 300 + 100 total magic power and an extra movement speed of 100% when the skill she casts hits non-minion targets. So Joy will be thicker and faster when her skills hits many opponents or creeps that will last 4 seconds that can be accumulated to 5 passive stacks. For Joy basic attacks is magic damage equal to 80 + 30% total physical attack plus 80% total magic power.

Skill Joy MLBB

The third is about Joy's 1st skill. When 1st skill Joy cast a leonin crystal at the desired target location and lasts for 2 seconds. The target hit by this skill deals magic damage of 200 + 40% total magic power and slow effect of 30% for 1 second. This 1st skill is an area type attack so the targets around this skill will be damaged. This skill can be use as stepping stone to be combined with Joy 2nd skill to annoy her opponents while her passive activating.

Skill Joy MLBB

The fourth is about Joy's 2nd skill. So for Joy 2nd skill, she will run towards and deal magic damage to the targets along her path. When activating this skill, 4 thunder indicators will appear under her name as sign of the beat time. Then when Joy hits enemies or crystal leonin, Joy can activate beat time to be able to use this skill again up to 5 times. The targets affected by this skill will receive magic damage of 120 + 155% total magic power. In using this skill, you need to match the beat of Joy's music so that the skill can be use up to 5 times and automatically open Joy's ultimate skill. This 2nd skill is Joy's main damage skill so it needs to be used frequently in combination with the 1st and 3rd skill to deal great damage to the targets. But it also needs practice because to activate this 2nd skill up to 5 times requires fast hands.

Skill Joy MLBB

The fifth is about Joy 3rd skill or ultimate skill. When this 3rd skill is active, Joy will joyfully run around as she gains movement speed while dealing damage to surrounding targets 8 times for duration of 4 seconds. The targets that are hit multiple times with this skill, the damage received will decrease by 20% for maximum 20% left. Besides that, Joy is also immune to the slowing effect and can removes all debuffs received. Every a thunder indicator collected, Joy will deal 30% damage. When Joy have total of 4 thunder indicators, Joy also get 40% lifesteal. As this 3rd skill is active, Joy should be close to the targets so that she can deal damage, especially if combined with the vengeance spell, she can finish off the opponents more easily.

Skill Joy MLBB

Counter and Counter by Joy

The sixth is about hero lists to counter Joy. In this season Joy is very strong and can be use to confuses her opponent because of her agile movements. Joy can be countered with heroes with thick shields, heroes who can catch and heroes that give burst damage. Examples of these heroes are Khufra, Franco, Minsittar, Esmeralda, Phoveus, Eudora, Hayabusa.

The seventh is about hero lists countered by Joy. So Joy can counter or very strong against weak heroes especially like Pharsa, Beatrix, Irithel, Mathilda.

Counter Joy MLBB

Okay, that was the guide, items, counters, and Joy's skill, which can be explained at this point, I hope this is useful and feel free to give your own opinion.

Tags: Joy counter, Joy gameplay, Joy item, Joy tutorial, Joy spell, Joy build, counter by Joy, counter Joy, Joy mobile legends, mobile legends, list counter joy, list countered joy, mobile legends new hero

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